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Introducing the Katherine Mansfield Society Work-in-Progress Blog Revelations

25 November 2013

Revelations: Works-in-Progress in Mansfield Studies represents a revolution in academic conversation and the dissemination of works in progress by postgraduate students, early career researchers, and even more established academics. It takes the academic conference as its model, but it employs the open accessibility and availability of the blog format to introduce the global reach and continuation of these conversations, thereby increasing the impact of Mansfield studies beyond the university.

Mansfield titled one of her stories ‘Revelations,’ and the revelation or epiphany is a key feature of her Modernist work. This blog takes inspiration from that idea to suggest the sparks of insight begin and stimulate more extended academic research. It is these sparks or revelations – ‘works-in-progress’ - which Revelations seeks to publish.

Contributions to Revelations will also take the form of commentary and responses from readers of the blog, allowing authors to revise and advance their research. Since publications will be works in progress, authors will retain copyright, and are encouraged to see this as a drafting process and later to publish the extended pieces in established literary journals.

A Call for Contributions

Revelations is a peer-reviewed, open-access blog which provides a forum to showcase, distribute, develop and comment on emerging research on Katherine Mansfield. It establishes a new forum for academic conversation in this rapidly expanding field.

We are seeking short, working papers on any aspect of Mansfield studies, including her life, work, experiment and innovation, relationships with other writers, impact on Modernism, engagement with other traditions, identities (national, class, gender, sexuality), and so on. Since publications will be works in progress, authors will retain copyright, and are encouraged to see this as a drafting process and later to publish the extended pieces in established literary journals.

Papers should be 300-900 words and use MLA in-text citation. Please do not use footnotes. You should indicate up to four key words, and also include a short 50 word bio with our paper.

Send submissions to the editors, Gabrielle Rowen-Clarke and Tracy Miao, at (Note: Until the editors have established a broader reviewer community, we request that the submissions are in English)

Introducing Revelations.docx
