This is an archived copy of the KMS website from April 2021. To view the current website, click here.


12 July 2009

The Katherine Mansfield Society is delighted to announce, in conjunction with the town of Menton, The New Zealand Embassy in Paris and the Winn Manson Menton Trust, that the Menton Symposium on 25 September  2009, will be held at the exclusive Villa Maria Serena. Registration is now open.


Oh, could I bring the flowers, the air the whole heavenly climate as well: this darling little town, these mountains - It is simply a small jewel - Menton - and its band in the jardins publiques with the ruffled pansy beds - the white donkeys standing meek - tied to a pole, the donkey women in black pleated dresses with flat funny hats. All, all is so terribly attractive. (Katherine Mansfield to John Middleton Murry, 20 April 1920).