This is an archived copy of the KMS website from April 2021. To view the current website, click here.

KMS Newsletter

11 June 2009

Remember, the newsletter is your forum for news/events/comments on anything to do with Katherine Mansfield! Do you have a favourite story? Let us know? How did you first discover her? Do you have any rare Mansfield books? We would love to know! In addition, we are running a ‘Letters to the Editors’ page! Please send in all your comments and we will try to publish as many as possible!

The KMS Newsletter is published three times a year, and is available to all members of the Katherine Mansfield Society. It provides members with information about new books, upcoming conferences and events, and to be a forum for members to share their thoughts and experiences teaching, researching and reading Katherine Mansfield. The Newsletter has now officially been registered with the British Library and therefore has been assigned an ISSN number. There are plans for the Newsletter to be produced as hard copy in the future, but we do not have the financial resources to fund this at the moment.  

We can only progress with your help, so if you have not yet done so, please consider becoming a KMS member! Issue 2 is the last issue freely available to all. Issue 3 will be sent to KMS members only and will also be made available on a password-protected members-only part of the website, currently under construction. Other ideas for submissions:

    * calls for papers
    * conference reports
    * book announcements
    * short book reviews
    * archive reports
    * teaching reports
    * and any other items of interest to KM fans and scholars

Deadline for submissions: 31st July 2009 Please send all submissions to: & We look forward to hearing from you soon! Best wishes,
Jenny McDonnell & Sarah Ailwood Joint Editors of the Newsletter of the Katherine Mansfield Society