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Principal Biographies in French

Alpers, Antony, Katherine Mansfield: L’Œuvre et la vie (Paris: Seghers, 1959)

Citati, Pietro, La Brève vie de Katherine Mansfield (Paris: Quai Voltaire, 1991)

Lenoël, Odette, La Vocation de Katherine Mansfield (Paris: Albin Michel, 1946)

Mantz, Ruth and J. M. Murry, La Jeunesse de Katherine Mansfield, trans. by M. T. Guéritte, pref. by Jean-Louis Vaudoyer(Paris: Stock, 1935)

Marion, Bernard, A la rencontre de Katherine Mansfield (Brussels: La Sixaine, 1946)

Morel, Elisabeth, Katherine Mansfield, pref. by Louis Pauwels (Paris: Club de la femme, 1959)

Murry, John Middleton, Katherine Mansfield et moi, trans. and intro. by René Lalou(Paris: Fernand Sorlot, 1941)

Pierson-Piérard, Marianne, La Vie passionnée de Katherine Mansfield (Brussels: Éditions Labor, 1979)

Tomalin, Claire, Katherine Mansfield: une vie secrète, trans. Anne Da­mour (Paris: Bernard Coutaz, 1990)