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28 September

28 September 1920

Travelling to Menton, France

Dear darling,
Ive just got your further notes about the A. I agree absolutely. (Oh, Bogey, if you knew what a bridge such a piece of paper is to me. You fling it across and it holds - and I seem to somehow emerge and cross over to your bank for a minute. Its miraculous.) However - revenons: Im for pars instead of leaders. They are a grind and I don't think the grind worth it. Yes A.L.H. this last week struck me so much that I sent him a p.c. Hes enormously improved. YOU mustn't do a stroke more. I agree with Shaw.You write too well to be a really good editore. You can't take your ease at the job: you can't write without your nerves being in the job. Nor neither in my wormhigh way can I.
I burn to see a chunk of your poem. I am not in the least settled down to anything yet. The journal - I have absolutely given up. I dare not keep a journal - I should always be trying to tell the truth. As a matter of fact I dare not tell the truth - I feel I must not. The only way to exist is to go on - and try and lose oneself - to get as far as possible away from this moment. Once I can do that all will be well. So its stories or nothing. I expect I shall kick off soon - perhaps today - who knows? In the meantime I peg away too, darling, in my fashion.
Stick things into envelopes & send them over when you can - will you? Any old thing becomes a treasure on the way. Remember that, old boy. I must get up and take my first cure d'air. Its a fine day - very fine, very blue - [Letter to J. M. Murry in Collected Letters 1920]