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25 August

25 August 1920

2 Portland Villas, Hampstead - London

I am so sorry I have not sent the paper this week. I am sending it today. Did you see your dear sister was mentioned in The Times last week? It was funny to hear the solemn old Times call me 'K.M.', tout court. Better than ‘Kassie', tho.
Well, dearest here comes lunch - grilled sole, cream cheese & grapes. Its borne by the faithful Violet who came back from her wedding last night. I have had to admire the photographs today - can't you see them - Pa, Ma, and relations so complicated that ones brain whirls. "That's Roger's sister's niece-by-marriage with her step brother by first wife." "Oh, yes, Violet - I SEE!"
Goodbye darling. Give the Little un my best love. Do
Let me hear from you.
Your own
K.  [Letter to Charlotte Beauchamp Perkins in Collected Letters, August 1920]